Military Police


Military Police contains information about military police functions in maneuver and mobility support, area security, law and order, internment/resettlement, and police intelligence operations.

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36 MILITARY POLICE 15-minute recall for external threats, and one squad on a 5-minute recall for threats within the security perimeter (such as a detainee riot). Due to the high operating tempo of the mission, platoon leadership focused on the proper man- agement of work and rest cycles to set the conditions for suc- cessful sustaining operations. To enhance training and expose Soldiers to nonorganic equipment that they might see on deployments, the 988th Military Police Company coordinated with the Base Expe- ditionary Targeting Surveillance System—Combined Train- ing Academy at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, to use a Cer- berus Long-Range Mobile Surveillance System. Equipped with long-range cameras, thermal-imaging systems, and la- ser range fnders, this system provided immediate detailed information on perimeter threats. In addition, the 988th Military Police Company coordinated with the Fort Leonard Wood Noncommissioned Offcers Academy to use several Biometric Automated Toolset and Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment systems. Thus, the Soldiers gained experience with the operations and capabilities of several systems used in deployed environments. The experience of the 988th Military Police Company resulted in numerous lessons learned that can contribute to further success for other units hoping to conduct similar training. The most factor in the success of the 988th Military Police Company was the contribution made by knowledgeable and experienced noncommissioned off- cers. These leaders shared what they learned through previ- ous training exercises and through operational experience, providing important guidance to less-experienced Soldiers. There will never be enough time to train before executing complex missions such as running a DHA. It is absolutely essential to empower subordinate leaders to share their knowledge and expertise even during execution, flling in the knowledge gaps and enabling Soldiers and leaders to perform their duties with maximum success. Each military police line company is assigned one Mili- tary Occupational Specialty 31E (correction/detention spe- cialist) noncommissioned offcer according to the modifed table of organization and equipment. This noncommissioned offcer played a critical role in the success of the 988th Mili- tary Police Company green cycle. As the only noncommis- sioned offcer specifcally trained in detention operations, he served as an advisor to the company commander and to the company as a whole. The knowledge and expertise of the 31E allowed him to provide critical insight; especially during the development of the DHA standard operating procedures (SOP) and the planning and resourcing of the DHA facility. The hard work that went into resourcing the DHA great- ly enhanced the 988th Military Police Company training exercise. It is possible to train Soldiers on detainee opera- tions with notional detainees and engineer tape placed on the ground. However, an increasingly realistic training en- vironment provides opportunities for progressively complex and realistic training—thus, better preparing the Soldiers to execute the mission at combat speed and their leaders to lead effciently and effectively. The adverse weather conditions experienced during the 988th Military Police Company training exercise high- lighted the importance of site selection when planning for a DHA. While the site would have been adequate during ideal weather conditions, the nature of the terrain caused the en- tire training site to turn into a feld of mud during periods of rain. The DHAs became swamps, making it a challenge to maintain hygienic living conditions for the detainees. In a deployed environment, terrain and security considerations strongly ce site selection. However, when operating within an installation such as Fort Leonard Wood, site se- lection is limited to the available training areas. Although the terrain was not ideal, the site was the best training area available to the company given the dual requirements of a large amount of space and the ability to bivouac on-site with gray water capabilities for feld feeding systems. Another challenge faced by the 988th Military Police Company during the green cycle was the timely develop- ment and dissemination of the DHA SOP. During the weeks of training leading up to certifcations, the team and squad leaders trained their Soldiers on high-payoff tasks identifed in the company mission-essential task list crosswalk. How- ever, the training guidance for each task in the combined arms training strategies database frequently provided only the most basic information, instructing leaders to train ac- cording to the local SOP. In addition, an SOP would provide a means of standardizing tactics, techniques, and procedures across the company, enabling each squad to seamlessly work with squads from other platoons. Thus, the training would have been even more effective if a completed SOP had been available in advance. Conclusion The 988th Military Police Company ventured into new territory for the 92d Military Police Battalion during its last green cycle. The company experienced some unforeseen challenges, but also gained tremendous skills and experi- ences. These are skills and experiences that can be put to use, whether deployed as a company to conduct detention operations or whether individual Soldiers go on to spread their knowledge to other Soldiers in other units throughout the rest of their military careers. By venturing out of the comfortable familiarity of security and mobility support op- erations, the 988th Military Police Company paved the way for other units in the 92d Military Police Battalion to learn from, and expand upon, its experience. FM 3-63, Detainee Operations, 28 April 2014. Second Lieutenant Buis is a platoon leader in the 988th Mili- She holds bachelor's degrees State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

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